[新闻] Lives up to expectations! Big Data Expo 2024 set to take place in Guiyang in late August| 数博会官网

Lives up to expectations! Big Data Expo 2024 set to take place in Guiyang in late August

作者: Preparatory Committee of Big Data Expo    来源: Preparatory Committee of Big Data Expo   编辑: Chenjinmei  时间:2024-05-30 13:48:20  

According to a recent source from the Guiyang Bureau of Big Data Development and Management, the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2024 (Big Data Expo 2024) is set to take place in Guiyang in late August. Event preparations are now in full swing.

The Big Data Expo 2024 will present the exhibition on the digital economy and data factor, along with concurrent events such as the opening and closing ceremonies, dialogues, achievement release, competitions and distinctive events. Covering approximately 60,000 square meters, the exhibition will feature six theme pavilions: the International Pavilion, the Cutting-edge Technology Pavilion, the Data Resource Pavilion, the "Data Factor ×" Pavilion, the Data Security Pavilion and the Infrastructure Pavilion, showcasing new technologies, products, solutions and applications in the big data sector.

Notably, this year marks the 10 anniversary of the Big Data Expo. As the world's first of its theme, over the past decade, the Expo has not only witnessed the rapid advancement of global big data technology, but also promoted the extensive application of big data technology and the robust growth of the industry. The Big Data Expo 2024, as an important milestone for the 10th anniversary, will fully showcase the brilliant achievements of big data over the past decade.

We eagerly anticipate joining forces with global big data elite in the cool city of Guiyang in mid-August at the Big Data Expo 2024. Together, we will experience the charm and power of digital technology, and work together to promote the prosperity and development of the global big data industry.